Sunday Morning Options
We provide worship services that are liturgical and scripturally based, with music and leadership that reflects our reverence for God. In addition, there are fellowship and education opportunites on Sunday mornings.

9 a.m. Contemporary Worship
This service is led by our Contemporary Band, bringing great vibrancy and energy to worship. Using contemporary Christian music, we sing our praise and thanksgiving to God and reflect on the message of God’s Holy Word through song. We celebrate Holy Communion each week, follow the observances of the church year, and enjoy the leadership of not only the pastors but of lay worship leaders as well.

11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship
Following the 10:10 Connections Sunday School hour, we gather for a traditional worship service at 11:15. Using the ELW hymnal, we sing primarily traditional hymns and enjoy the musical leadership of our beautiful pipe organ and our adult Chancel Choir. The Handbells also play regularly at this service. Holy Communion is celebrated each week.

11:15 a.m. Online Traditional Worship
For folks who can’t make it to church in person, the 11 a.m. service is also live streamed to our Facebook page and our website.