What We Believe

Mission and Beliefs

Our Mission and Vision
Through God’s unconditional love made known in authentic community, inspiring worship, and meaningful service, we connect with the distracted, disillusioned and detached.

The Heart of the Call
We live in a world of constant distraction from that which is most important, disillusionment with the church and social institutions, detachment from authentic relationships with God, one another, even ourselves.  God’s gifts of unconditional love, constant forgiveness and Christian community meet these needs.  These are gifts that we share through inspiring worship, on-going exploration of faith’s deepest questions and meaningful service.

How We Live Out Our Mission

We live out our mission through…

Inspiring Worship

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Team oversees all aspects of the worship and music life of the congregation.  The team tends to all of the detailed planning and implementation of worship.  With the chair, they prepare for and implement worship, particularly during the seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.


Giving back to God is an act of worship and the Stewardship Team oversees a program by which members of this congregation share time, talent, and financial resources to support the work of Christ through this congregation and through church as a whole.


The intent of the Evangelism Team is to provide a loving, friendly, and welcoming environment for all people; orient and engage new members into our congregation; provide online worship opportunities, and promote our congregation within the community via advertising, publicity and personal invitation.

Authentic Community

Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry Team provides programming to teach the Bible, passing on our faith to the next generation, and providing fellowship opportunities for our youngest members.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry Team provides guidance and support to the Youth of the congregation, encouraging them to:  1) serve and strengthen one another; 2) offer themselves in service, fellowship and leadership to the congregation, the wider church and community; 3) reach out in love and hospitality to other youth; all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Adult Ministry

The Adult Ministry Team provides opportunities for adult learning and spiritual growth through a variety of classes (on Sunday mornings and during the week), study groups, retreats, and small groups.

Meaningful Service

Social Concerns

The Social Concerns Team is responsible for encouraging the congregation to extend Christian compassion and provide service to the community of Cross of Life, our neighborhoods, and to the world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The team strengthens existing programs and partnerships and encourages stewardship through donations and participation in missions.

Parish Care

Parish Care provides care and nurture to the members of the congregation through ministries like the Meals Ministry, Funeral Reception Team, Stephen Ministers, Prayer Team, and the Fellowship Team, which provides fellowship opportunities for the congregation.


The Property Team sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, thus allowing Cross of Life to share our facility with the community.

What Is a Lutheran?

First and foremost, a Lutheran is a Christian who has a faith relationship with Jesus Christ, bringing joy, meaning, and peace. Begun by Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s, Lutherans make up the 4th largest Christian denomination in the United States. While we value Luther’s contributions to the truth of the Gospel, we do not worship Martin Luther or believe everything he wrote or said — all theology is measured against the timeless truth of Scripture.

Specifically, Lutherans emphasize:

GRACE — We cannot earn God’s love; it is a freely given gift.
FAITH — A faith relationship with Jesus Christ assures us of God’s forgiveness.
WORSHIP — When we worship, when we receive Holy Communion and God’s holy Word, we are strengthened for daily faith and life.
WELCOME — All of God’s diverse children are welcome here.
GROWTH — In response to God’s love, we strive to grow in faith and trust.
SERVICE — We are called to use our resources to care for the needs of others.
MINISTRY OF ALL — In baptism, we are all made ministers of Christ, a calling expressed in daily life.

Perhaps most importantly, Lutherans are Christians who admit they do not have all the answers — only God has all knowledge and certainty.  We explore our faith together, open to questions, fresh perspectives and joyous ways to discover and serve together.  You are welcome to join the journey.

For more information about Martin Luther or about Lutherans visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.