Whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, we need to listen to what Jesus has to say. The Transfiguration...

Whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, we need to listen to what Jesus has to say. The Transfiguration...
Jesus calls us to be a people of love, a community grounded in love – to choose the path of...
We are called to awareness, solidarity, and action as we live alongside the marginalized, abused, oppressed, and rejected in God’s...
God can work through anyone at anytime. We, the church, must be driven by compassion for the vulnerable among us....
Knowing that our loved ones are continuing their relationship with God in heaven instead of on the earth can help...
The women at the tomb were ceased by terror and amazement and they said nothing becauase they were afraid. What...
Good Friday March 29, 2024
Maundy Thursday March 28, 2024
What does your faith cost you? Is God at the center of your life? Mark 8:31-38 The 1st Sunday of Lent...
We are called to turn our hearts back to God and trust in God. Mark 1:14-20 The Third Sunday after...
God sees you, knows you, and loves you Psalm 139 and John 1:43-51 The Second Sunday after Epiphany January 14,...
You are a beloved child of God, with whom God is well pleased Mark 1:4-11 The Baptism of Our Lord...