2024 Staff Christmas Gifts
Endowment Grant Request Form
Fob User Agreement
I hereby grant permission to Cross of Life Lutheran Church to use my image and/or voice in printed publications, on its website, and in social media without further consideration, and I acknowledge that COL and local press have the right to crop or treat the photography, video, or audio recordings at their own discretion. I also acknowledge that COL may not choose to use the media at this time, but may do so at its own discretion at a later date. I also understand that once my image or voice is posted on the internet, the media can be downloaded. Therefore, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims the following:
- All members of Cross of Life Lutheran Church - All employees of Cross of Life Lutheran Church
Cross of Life Lutheran Church reserves the right to discontinue use of photos, videos, and/or audio recordings without notice.
I hereby grant permission to Cross of Life Lutheran Church of Roswell, GA to use:
Photographs* —Please choose an option—YesNo
Videos* —Please choose an option—YesNo
Audio recordings* —Please choose an option—YesNo
For my minor children as listed below, I grant permission to Cross of Life Lutheran Church of Roswell, GA to use:
Photographs —Please choose an option—YesNo
Videos —Please choose an option—YesNo
Audio recordings —Please choose an option—YesNo
Media Release Form
*indicates required field
Family Name*
First Child's Name*
First Child's Age* —Please choose an option—34567891011
First Child's Birthdate*
Last grade completed*
Health concerns
Second Child's Name
Child's Age
Child's Birthdate
Last grade completed
Third Child's Name
Fourth Child's Name
Parent/Guardian's Full Name*
Second Parent/Guardian's Full Name
Best Contact Email*
Best Contact Number*
Alternate Phone Number
Home Address*
  Street Address
At check-out, we can only release children to a parent/guardian listed above, unless we have specific permission. Would you like to authorize anyone else to pick up your child(ren)?
Emergency Contact*  
Name of Contact*
Emergency Contact Phone Number* Emergency Contact Relationship to Child*
Media Release: If you have not previously completed a media release form, please fill out the online media release form or print and complete a media release form from the previous page and include it you when you submit your registration to the office.
Parents and Caregivers, we have many opportunities for you to support this volunteer-run event. If you would like to contribute, please indicate your choice(s) below, and we will contact you with details. We always work to find the best fit for your gifts and interests. If you volunteer to work with children, you will need to complete a background check.
Donations: VBS is a free program of Cross of Life, but donations are appreciated. A suggested donation is $10 per child, with a max of $25 per family. If you choose to donate, you may bring cash or a check the first evening or give online through our website at https://crossoflifelutheran.org/give/. Checks can be made out to Cross of Life with "VBS" in the memo line. Your donation is tax deductible. Thank you!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! We will have a family water day on Friday, June 6! Parents are invited to join their children and stay for dinner, a short worship service, and age-appropriate water games like water tables, water balloons, and a water slide.
Your form will be submitted to the VBS registrar. You should receive a confirmation email shortly. We can't wait to see you at VBS!
Vacation Bible School Registration Form